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Basketweave Baby Blanket Crochet Pattern

This pattern features a basketweave texture created by a pattern of front post and back post double crochets with a scalloped edging. This crochet pattern is perfect for any crocheter who is familiar with chaining, single crochet, and double crochet. This pattern is considered EASY, which is one skill level more difficult beginner rated patterns.



Skill Level



30" x 30"


  • 5 skeins of Yarn Bee, Soft and Sleek DK, in Pink Lemonade OR 2,151 (this would be 4.5 skeins) yds of any light weight (3) yarn

  • Size F/5 (3.5mm) crochet hook

  • Scissors

  • Tapestry needle (for weaving in loose ends)


* repeat from * until indicated

ch chain

sk skip

sp spaces

sc single crochet

ss slip stitch

hdc half double crochet

dc double crochet

fpdc front post double crochet

bpdc back post double crochet


Single Crochet (sc)

1. Insert hook into stitch, yarn over (yo), pull through loop

2. Yo, pull through 2 loops

Slip Stitch (ss)

1. Insert hook into stitch, yarn over (yo), pull through loops.

Half- Double Crochet (hdc)

1. Yarn over (yo), insert hook into stitch.

2. Yo, pull through loop (there should now be 3 loops on hook).

3. Yo, draw yarn through 3 loops on hook.

Double Crochet (dc)

1. Yarn over (yo), insert hook

2. Yo, pull through 1 loop

3. Yo, pull through 2 loops

4. Yo, pull through 2 loops

Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc)

1. Yarn over (yo), insert hook around the post (stitch in the row below) from front to back.

2. Yo, pull through 1 loop.

3. Yo, pull through 2 loops.

4. Yo, pull through 2 loops.

Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc)

1. Yarn over (yo), insert hook around the post (stitch in the row below) from front to back.

2. Yo, pull through 1 loop.

3. Yo, pull through 2 loops.

4. Yo, pull through 2 loops.


Chain 172

Row 1: In the 4th chain from hook, double crochet (dc). Dc all the way across. Chain 3 and turn.

Rows 2- 11: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Row 12- 21: Bpdc in 14 stitches. Fpdc in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 bpdc and 14 fpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 22- 31: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 32- 41: Bpdc in 14 stitches. Fpdc in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 bpdc and 14 fpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 42- 51: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 52- 61: Bpdc in 14 stitches. Fpdc in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 bpdc and 14 fpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 62- 71: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 72- 81: Bpdc in 14 stitches. Fpdc in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 bpdc and 14 fpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 82- 91: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 92- 101: Bpdc in 14 stitches. Fpdc in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 bpdc and 14 fpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc. Chain 3, turn.

Rows 102- 111: Front post double crochet (fpdc) in 14 stitches. Back post double crochet in the next 14 stitches. Alternate 14 fpdc and 14 bpdc across. In the last stitch, work a normal dc.

Scalloped Border

Round 1: Chain 1, sc in each stitch around the perimeter of the blanket, working 3 sc into each corner. Join with ss.

Round 2: Chain 1. *Sc, ch 5, sk 2. Repeat from * around. Join with ss.

Round 3: Working into each ch 5 sp, (sc, hdc, 2dc, hdc, sc). Join with ss.

Round 4: *Ch 7, sk 5, sc. Repeat from * around. Join with ss.

Round 5: Working into each ch 7 sp, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc). Join with ss. Fasten off.

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